If disclosure goes too far, and precise contracts are made public, then plans will lose the power to bargain for discounted fees with individual physicians.
During the academic year, a discounted fee on indoor courts is offered to York students weekdays during daytime hours.
Nearly all the rest are in looser managed-care arrangements involving discounted fees, or government programs.
He added, "Most are paid a discounted fee for each service."
About one-third of employers also offered incentives to use networks of doctors and hospitals that agree to accept discounted fees.
Chase Oaks is a public golf course, and residents are entitled to discounted fees.
Those who get lots of work will do so only if they accept discounted fees.
These do not constitute insurance, but provide participants with access to discounted fees for dental work.
They have been replaced by more loosely managed networks of providers with whom health plans have negotiated discounted fees.
Foto8 members and students can receive the discounted fee of £120 for this seminar.