To fight back, banks have teamed up with discount brokerages and mutual fund operations.
The sale of the discount brokerage was completed Tuesday.
The discount brokerage now has about 100,000 customer accounts.
The company started offering discount brokerage on May 1, 1975, and became one of the world's largest discount brokers.
Clearly, plenty of other firms offer discount brokerage, financial planning and on-line trading services.
The agency will create direct-response print and broadcast advertising for the discount brokerage.
Rose is the fourth-largest discount brokerage in the country.
Rose & Company is the fourth-largest discount brokerage in the country, with 20 offices in 18 states.
Since he started the company in 1971, the San Francisco company has become the country's largest discount brokerage.
Technological advances have driven down the cost of setting up a discount brokerage to about $200,000 and lowered their operating expenses.