By order of the Secretary of War, Camp Thomas was discontinued as a recruiting depot for the Regular Army early in October 1866.
The negotiations were discontinued early in 2001, prior to Enron's insolvency later that year.
On August 27, tropical cyclone watches and warnings extended as far north as Plymouth, Massachusetts; all were discontinued early on August 29.
The 405-line BBC1 Wales service on Band III from Wenvoe was discontinued early.
Sunrise and Electradisk were discontinued early in 1934, leaving Bluebird as RCA's only budget priced label.
The Breeze was discontinued early in the 2000 model year, as part of the Chrysler's phaseout of the Plymouth brand; it was Plymouth's last mid-size model.
The aluminum engine block for the 225 was discontinued early in the 1963 model year.
That was discontinued early in the show's run.
This was also discontinued early on.
The tropical storm warning remained in effect after Julia intensified into a tropical storm; it was finally discontinued early on September 14.