Despite its prowess, the all-wheel-drive system had a disconcerting tendency, on all three tested Touaregs, to bind up at low speeds in tight corners.
Those who persisted discovered the drives' disconcerting tendency to implode or deliquesce at the merest touch of a screwdriver.
But Mitsubishi adds a "trace" function, developed to thwart understeer, the disconcerting tendency of front-wheel-drive cars to push toward the outside of a turn.
The weapon in his hand was heavy and uncomfortable and, if he wasn't attentive, it displayed a disconcerting tendency to aim itself at Spock's back.
Moreover, sliced grits show a disconcerting tendency toward self-healing.
But the biosphereans had a disconcerting tendency to hide many shortcuts until the press ferreted them out.
There is clearly something amiss since the commuter exhibits a disconcerting tendency to literally vanish on close questioning about this ephemeral town.
He kept his breathing deep, even though he felt a disconcerting tendency to pant in rapid, shallow spurts.
Oh, and its windscreen wipers no longer displayed the disconcerting tendency of slowing down as drivers accelerated.