The song is an uptempo disco tune.
Beware the thundering sound system, which fills the cavernous room with house music and, in the early morning, 70's disco tunes.
And afterward, to the old disco tunes of a crowd not quite willing to consider itself over the hill, the dance floor filled up.
The album remakes various themes and songs from the Star Wars soundtrack into disco tunes.
The dance parties featuring music spun and mixed by real disk jockeys blending classic disco tunes.
And if one commercial used a 1970's disco tune, soon it sounded as if Studio 54 had reopened.
Through the sudden silence came the sound of humming-an old disco tune he vaguely remembered but couldn't name.
Kate from "The Taming of the Shrew" dances to a disco tune.
Later that evening, when the music switched to old disco tunes, the floor would teem with pulsing bodies.
As teenagers, the Swearson sisters would choreograph dances to their favorite disco tunes and perform in the family's garage.