The disclosure of financial information required by Item 8.
Except, of course, disclosures required by law.
I would call that a disclosure required by law.
Congress should examine ways to limit the size of donations, require full disclosure of contributors' identities and bar money from foreign governments.
But disclosures for other purposes - for example, to employers making personnel decisions or to banks or insurance companies - will require separate consents.
Mass mailings would continue; individual member secrecy would prevail; no disclosure required that the junk-mailer's cost came out of the voter's pocket.
Sybase estimated that the amount of the disputed sales was $60 million to $65 million, and said the recent disclosure would require a restatement for the first three quarters.
That is a question the Securities and Exchange Commission should be considering as it figures out how much additional disclosure to require.
Specifically requires disclosures by sellers of credit derivatives, including credit derivatives embedded in hybrid instruments.
It would seem to me that your disclosure requires a closer contact with Vejur, does it not?