A.I.G. has already disclosed suspect transactions that would reduce its net worth by $2.7 billion.
Explanation UnNot Aavailable Officials said the Clintons had been relying on their memories and fragmented documentation in disclosing several financial transactions.
Mr. Williams said that only 99 of the 100,000 corporations likely to be solicited by tax-shelter promoters had come forward under an amnesty plan to disclose questionable transactions.
New Regulations More recently, the Government has issued the new regulations and guidelines that require the banks to disclose "suspicious transactions" involving flight capital.
The threshold for disclosing transactions is over £500 for the central Department and over £25,000 for its arm's length bodies.
The agency also approved rules requiring companies to disclose off-balance-sheet transactions that have a material effect on their financial condition.
Mr. Humphrey said that "there has been no discord on the board" over disclosing the perks and other transactions.
Violation of the Law Failure to disclose such transactions and disclosing them inaccurately are violations of law.
Among the most notable publicly disclosed secondary transactions (it is estimated that over two-thirds of secondary market activity is never disclosed publicly):
In its order, the commission did conclude that some major energy companies had failed to properly disclose power-sale transactions.