The secretary in the homicide office refused to disclose his whereabouts or to page him.
Those who survived became hermits, meeting by chance, never disclosing their whereabouts.
She refused an order to bring him to juvenile court or disclose his whereabouts.
It is not prepared to answer its predicament or disclose its recent whereabouts.
Late yesterday, the league continued to refuse to disclose Ziegler's whereabouts.
But lawyers for the city said the police department would not likely be reimbursed because the couple had no legal responsibility to disclose their whereabouts.
The US military did not disclose their whereabouts later.
The friend would not disclose the couple's whereabouts.
I had no intention of disclosing my whereabouts to him as he was much too unreliable.
They are not required to disclose the child's whereabouts.