Mr. Gockley said he had an agreement with the board not to disclose his salary.
The Commissioner, who had been making $133,000, declined to disclose his new salary.
The company declined to disclose Ms. Presley's salary or stock holdings.
She would not disclose her salary, but Ms. Powell's type of job typically pays between $80,000 and $120,000.
Neither Father Cain nor the network would disclose his salary.
Would you care to disclose your salary?
Mr. Rizzo declines to disclose his salary, but it has been estimated to slightly more than $200,000 a year.
He declined to disclose his annual salary, but in 1998 it was $190,630, the group's tax filings show.
Long did not cooperate with the investigation, including refusing to disclose his salary.
Neither the company nor Mr. Miller would disclose his salary.