They also said yesterday they resented the way he promoted the primary referendum, financing mass mailings that failed to disclose his involvement.
The group added that the agency had said national security would be jeopardized if it were compelled to disclose in any way its involvement in interrogations.
It typically investigates allegations made in the news media, but rarely discloses its involvement until the findings are ready to be made public.
You have a choice of whether or not to disclose our involvement.
Federal regulators have cited three instances of conflicts of interest in which, they say, Mr. Bush failed to adequately disclose his involvement.
Ms. Friedman said the publisher would disclose Saks's involvement in the trade version of the book, but she was puzzled by objections.
Ms. Wolf's critics suspect that she disclosed her involvement with the Stasi because the news was going to break anyway.
Eventually, the military issued a terse statement taking responsibility for the attack but not disclosing the C.I.A.'s involvement.
The Police Federation last night refused to discuss whether any of its officials had disclosed their involvement with Freemasonary.
Why is Junger reluctant to disclose his own involvement in this reanalysis of the file?