The company is profitable, but officials declined to disclose its net income.
These have been delayed by the search for a compromise over questions such as how far students should have to disclose parents' income when applying.
For years 1974 and 1975, however, he refused to disclose his income.
The court order required him to attend a hearing and disclose his income and assets.
Being privately owned, the company discloses neither its income, estimated to be more than $800 million last year, nor the family affairs.
This came 14 weeks after the state legislature publicly supported and approved a bill requiring them to disclose their outside income.
He declined to disclose his income, except to say that that it was less than six figures.
Governor Whitman last week disclosed her family's combined taxable income for 1999 as $1.17 million.
While he won't disclose his income, he says someone earning $20,000 a year is probably living better than he.
She would not disclose her income, except to say she is on a pension.