They disclose behind-the-scenes shifts during decision-making and the origins of important rulings, including Roe v. Wade.
A separate state law requires that companies disclose all spending on lobbying of state officials, including funds funneled through third parties.
He disclosed the locations of the other men in the sabotage operation, including Burger.
Members considered they were victims of conspiracy to disclose their discoveries in agriculture, which would justify their alleged persecution, including arsons and animals killed.
As committee chairman he disclosed Defense Department spending excesses, including huge overcharges on simple objects like wrenches.
A recent inventory disclosed a growing incidence of diseases, including cancers, lesions and tumors in dolphins, turtles and fish.
Nonetheless, the figures disclosed areas of increased job-market distress, including another substantial rise in the ranks of those out of work for long periods.
There are sanctions for those who disclose information when there is not lawful authority to do so, including criminal sanctions for more serious cases.
The 1998 law says applicants for absentee ballots "must disclose" four pieces of personal information, including their voter registration number.
The program grew out of Congressional hearings three years ago that disclosed many problems, including poor service, inadequate technology and overly aggressive enforcement tactics.