Later research disclosed few errors, and West is regarded as one of the founders of Australian historical writing.
We will not charge misdeclaration penalty if you disclose errors before we begin an enquiry.
Under the new regime customers are still expected to disclose errors.
Winstein also disclosed errors in Google Flu Trends.
She has introduced a bill to lower the cost of malpractice insurance for doctors who disclose medical errors to patients.
The authors write that their results reveal a significant lack of consensus among doctors about whether to disclose medical errors and how to discuss them.
Fleet says that Advanta did not disclose coding errors that resulted in excessive interest charges of at least $3.9 million, which Fleet had to repay.
However, when the Veterans Administration Hospitals decided to promptly and fully disclose medical errors nationwide, and then offer fair compensation, litigation costs were dramatically decreased.
The current standard of practice at many hospitals is to disclose errors to patients when they occur.
This record, on file with the tax assessor, county clerk or municipal offices, may disclose errors in the official description of the house that led to a higher tax bill.