Failure to disclose contributions and loans is a felony and can result in expulsion from office.
Under the bill, organizations that spend more than $10,000 on political activities would have to disclose contributions of $1,000 or more.
The bill would require all Section 527 organizations to disclose contributions and expenses of $200 or more.
The association had earlier supported the idea of disclosing political contributions, but wanted the states or cities that issued debt to be responsible for the disclosures.
The association also contended that disclosing political contributions might deter some companies from making them.
They would also have to disclose contributions made to entities named for or established by lawmakers and administration officials.
Under German law, political parties are required to disclose publicly all contributions and their sources.
Fine, as long as he fully discloses his spending and contributions, too.
During his 2008 mayoral campaign, Hammons voluntarily disclosed contributions to his campaign.
Federal election law requires that during the last days of a campaign, committees must disclose contributions of more than $1,000 within 48 hours of the contribution.