The discipline required a sharp eye and an ability to work quickly to allow the construction projects eventually to proceed.
The discipline requires panels of human assessors, on whom the products are tested, and recording the responses made by them.
There is nothing consoling about this process, but it is what the discipline of learning requires.
But even those disciplines require some knowledge of the field.
Effective discipline requires a clear, firm explanation of why that stove or socket is dangerous.
Like guitar study, he said, fly fishing requires discipline, hard work, and analysis of technique.
These are a carrot, for those who like carrots; but shareholders have no accompanying stick, which effective two-handed discipline would require.
Beyond basic engineering skills, many disciplines require specialized expertise gained through training and experience.
Q. You say that discipline requires giving as well as prohibiting.
She nodded, understanding why I had permitted her to live when our naval discipline now required her immediate death!