By contrast, though menstrual blood does have a distinct odor a 'normal' discharge will be odorless and will vary in consistency and amount with the menstrual cycle.
It is 60 km long; its catchment area is 596 km2; its discharge varies between 1 and 5 m3/s.
Average discharge, including Volga waters, varies from 38 m3/s near Zvenigorod to 250 m3/s at Oka inlet.
At the village of Maly Uzen the discharge varies from 3.4 m3/s to 782 m3/s.
The discharge of the Yampa varies from about 600 ft3/s (17 m3/s) during low water summers to 20,000 ft3/s (600 m3/s) in spring runoff.
(c) Variation and discharge of orders An application to extend, vary or discharge an existing order must be made to the court which made the original order.
The average annual discharge varies from 6000 m3/s (1980) - 12000 m3/s (1957), leading to an average 9819 m3/s or 310 km3 per year.
At Novouzensk the discharge varies from 7.3 m3/s to 393 m3/s.
In storm hydrology an important consideration is the stream's discharge hydrograph, a record of how the discharge varies over time after a precipitation event.
The discharge varies between 200 to 3,000 liters per second.