Dr. Cox, it said, had included in his notes a copy of the discharge summary from that hospitalization.
In the UK he has been involved in developing systems for electronic discharge summaries, e education tools.
At the end of the episode, Thirteen enters the office to find Foreman trying to decipher Taub's writing for Valerie's discharge summary.
Some discharge summaries and death certificates may lack sufficient descriptive information needed to confirm the clinical diagnoses.
Ziporyn prepared a discharge summary with depression, anxiety, guilt, and shame among Speck's emotions, but also a deep love for his family.
The hospital's regulations call for the attending physician to dictate a discharge summary within 15 days or face the threat of suspension of staff privileges.
A discharge summary is recorded at the practice, and a discharge letter (written using lay terminology) is sent to the patient.
She mentioned certain anomalies, like having to write a discharge summary even when a patient dies.
I drove to Children's early, met briefly with Merritt, dictated a discharge summary, and signed Merritt's discharge order.
Each hospital admission is followed up by writing to the consultant concerned to obtain a copy of the discharge summary.