Excessive discharge of phosphorus to receiving waters can result in eutrophication.
While a discharge does not result in a criminal conviction, there is a finding of guilt.
Any officer whose discharge of weapon resulted in termination of life was required to undergo emotional and psychiatric clearance before resuming duty.
On August 23 the accidental discharge of a rifle in camp resulted in one Captain killed and one man wounded.
The down side, of course, is that hasty discharges often result from shortage of beds and thus the new procedures will probably block beds.
A tipping point occurred during the 1970s and 1980s when the discharge of nutrients into the estuary resulted in it becoming eutrophic.
The illegal discharge resulted in a complete kill of fish, frogs, mussels and mudpuppies.
"The discharges result from the fact that military leaders have not stopped asking and telling and pursuing," Ms. Benecke said.
These discharges result in localised plasma reactions, with conditions of high temperature and pressure which modify the growing oxide.
A complete discharge of a battery can result in one or more cells going into polarity reversal, which can cause permanent damage to those cells.