Adult franchise for local government elections was also introduced, together with Legislation to safeguard native flora and to penalize ships for discharging oil.
Domestic and industrial waste, discharged oil and millions of gallons of raw sewage are flushed into the sea every day.
But he was convicted of a lesser charge of discharging oil, a misdemeanor that was overturned a year later by a state appeals court.
You must fit locks to permanently fixed valves or taps on the bowser that are used to discharge oil to the open.
Extremely disturbed, the Germans now not only showed another white flag but, more practically, they discharged oil and water.
In late January, a company in North Haven and its president were found guilty of having discharged oil and polluted wastewater into the river from July 1993 to October 1995.
This should be funded by means of a general port duty so that there is no benefit in discharging oil into the sea instead.
Three or four times a year, the Danish coast is littered with birds covered in oil because our ships discharge oil in our waters.
One tanker was said to be headed for Yemen and was scheduled to discharge oil there later today.
He was convicted of negligently discharging oil, a misdemeanor.