They crept around the side of the revetments still in Brandon's view, barely discernible moving shapes against the night.
Then he saw the black form moving against the barely discernible shapes of the trees.
As a barely discernible shape she paused several minutes at the door to the place where Yoseh's little doe lived, then vanished into the mist.
The input image (or images) contain random dots with no discernible shapes.
They have neither discernible shape nor location.
Beyond the human form were the barely discernible shapes of two horses.
Rhodan pointed to the viewscreen, where the planet was taking on a discernible shape.
The crater has a discernible oblong shape that is not caused by foreshortening.
Suddenly there is sound exploding everywhere, with no discernible shape but a definite direction, burying the singer in its momentum.
It was too far away to make out any discernible shape.