Although there is no discernible linguistic influence from Africa in Bushehr, there are cultural and genetic influences.
In a landmark 1995 report, the panel altered its judgment, saying that "the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate."
The declaration asserted, "A broad consensus among the world's climatologists is that there is now 'a discernible human influence on global climate.'"
His ornithological work, for example, never had any discernible influence on this field.
He did not have any discernible influence in the final days of the Reich.
Although not genetically related, there is some discernible lexical influence from Quechua.
Nonetheless, the IPCC concluded there is a 'discernible human influence' on climate.
But they also say that there have been many other times when the banking industry had right on its side but no discernible influence over public policy.
Averroes had no discernible influence on Islamic philosophic thought until modern times.
Bede asserted that they were composed "after the Roman manner", but there is little discernible Roman influence either.