Some battalions were amalgamated at this time, and although some were later separated and reformed, others were disbanded altogether.
The other cities have stopped bringing Teens across and some have disbanded altogether.
There is talk that we will be disbanded altogether, as a useless luxury, a drain upon the Will's resources.
With Trenchard's policy unequivocal, for both military and political reasons, maritime aviation was in danger of being disbanded altogether.
Evesham Abbey, for instance, as later reported by its own chronicle, also claimed to have lost several of its lands in this way, and Winchcombe was disbanded altogether.
Demolition was disbanded altogether shortly thereafter, although Smash and Crush continued to wrestle under different gimmicks.
But the panel turned aside the party's broader demand that the R.U.C., as it is commonly called, be disbanded altogether.
Then the Soviet Union was disbanded altogether, and 11 now-sovereign republics formed a loose Commonwealth of Independent States.
But it was only later that traditional instruments were disbanded altogether in favour of pure electronic free improvisation.
He was fired from his post following the 1989 season, with the UDC program being disbanded altogether for the 1990 season.