Hoping to cheer her up, he began telling her about his disastrous visit to Dr. Vandermer.
After President Bush's disastrous visit to Latin America, it's unnerving to realize that his presidency still has more than three years to run.
Most of the reaction was stress still bleeding off from theAgincourt and the disastrous visit to her parents.
Their 1977 recording, Merchants Lunch, described a trucker's disastrous visit to a Nashville diner.
It was nine o'clock in the evening, much earlier than his disastrous visit at 4 A.M., just as dark but much more traffic.
She makes a disastrous visit to the doctor and spends two weeks in hospital.
Then he takes a bus to Florence, Ala., and a disastrous visit with his former college roommate, who has succumbed to the conventions of middle-class life.
Margery curtsied and wondered wildly if perhaps this brother had been in residence during her disastrous visit.
Throughout all of this, there were periodic, disastrous visits from her father.