On August 3, 2001 a disastrous electrical storm struck Cape Bonavista.
Wire-mesh baskets filled with stones have also been used to strengthen the ridge of the beach following disastrous storms in the 1970s and 1990s.
Both times, the woman whose name glows like a beacon on the Eisenbrucke Station roster has been at the eye of a disastrous emotional storm.
Manhattan now stood poised at the brink of two disastrous storms.
The expedition set out in November, 1463, and met a disastrous storm, which sunk several ships and scattered the remainder.
When you come to think about it, the disastrous storms are on the levels, sea or sand or plains.
If she had, they would not be caught in the throes of this disastrous storm.
After the disastrous storm which wrecked the Rs.
However, Thomson found the access he was given unsatisfactory and the Agamemnon had to return home following the disastrous storm of June 1858.
Or more often, if disastrous storms hit - Long Island is long overdue.