Others equated the operation to the government's disastrous raid on the compound near Waco, Tex., which had been ordered by Ms. Reno.
All this in the six months or so since Jameson's disastrous raid, and Jordan's thoughts jumped back to that day that the news had come.
The protection of the local kings, the O'Connors, was not strong enough for Clonmacnoise to withstand disastrous raids by the Norman English in the Middle Ages.
The Black Watch had to be reformed after Verrières Ridge, having sustained more casualties than any Canadian infantry battalion since the disastrous raid on Dieppe.
In September, the final two Tribals lost in the Battle of the Mediterranean were sunk; Sikh and Zulu during a disastrous raid on Tobruk.
He had helped to set the system up himself in the wake of the disastrous raid on Stony Man, and he could not complain if it had worked efficiently.
After the disastrous raid on Wilhelmshaven in 1939, the RAF was forced to abandon daylight attacks and move to night bombing.
He was also widely criticized for deciding not to reinforce American troops in Somalia in the weeks before 18 American soldiers died in a disastrous raid.
The house of Mathrafal was effectively established in the wake of Harold and Tostig Godwinson's disastrous raids in 1062 and 1063.
On 19 August 1942, a disastrous seaborne raid was launched by Allied forces on the German-occupied French port of Dieppe.