During the disastrous drop in business at Boeing two decades ago, Seattle led the nation in unemployment with a level of around 13 percent.
After a disastrous drop in January, the Ford Motor Company posted car sales of 50,799, off 3.8 percent from the period last year.
In February 1941, pilot training was cut further leading to a disastrous drop in the quality of pilot training prior to Barbarossa.
Despite a series of acclaimed albums, a disastrous drop in sales forced him back into straight MOR recordings with little of his own artistic input.
Another industry executive noted yesterday that "Hudson Hawk" was down 43 percent, a disastrous drop.
Such critical features of the peasant economy as horse-ownership showed a disastrous drop during the late nineteenth century.
Because of the disastrous drop in passenger traffic and new rules barring anyone without a boarding pass from entering secure areas, many airports are all but deserted.
To avoid a potentially disastrous drop in morale, Mark Antony orders Vorenus to retrieve it.
This had increased in ratio to a disastrous drop in income and immense losses.
"Well, once upon a time, as the story goes, Djinger had a sudden disastrous drop in its money supply."