On the show My So-Called Life, Rayanne makes a disastrous debut as the singer of a band while covering this song.
His high hopes proved to be unfounded however with a disastrous debut in 1999.
The trio's "disastrous" debut performance was held at a skittle alley in Sherborne's Antelope Hotel in April 1991.
But both state officials and the environmental agency pointed out that progress had been made since the inspection system's disastrous debut in December.
Their praise encourages Miss Amelia Martin to make her disastrous debut as a singer at the White Conduit.
A snow plough costing £170,000 made a disastrous debut when it became stuck in fivefoot drifts in Teesdale on Thursday.
After her own disastrous debut, she had resolved that when she inherited the title, she would somehow acquire wealth as well.
The series had a disastrous debut: only 2.5 million viewers watched its first episode.
Fordham University's fours without coxswain, making its first appearance ever at Henley, had a disastrous debut.
Mr. Reilly said much the same thing about the disastrous debut of the Fox drama "Lone Star" last year.