However, the two ended their relationship and Roy left the Justice League following a disastrous confrontation with the Shadow Cabinet.
Poniatowska's collaboration with Bórquez might have been a disastrous confrontation between classes.
Tupper rushed back to face the thankless task of leading his part into its disastrous electoral confrontation with Wilfrid Laurier.
Soon he must travel through time to save robots and humans from a disastrous confrontation.
In 1899 there was another disastrous confrontation at Coeur d'Alene.
Both sides in this conflict avoided a potentially disastrous direct confrontation, instead focusing on raids in order to plunder and devastate their opponent's territory.
In the Capitol, the populist fires that led Republicans into disastrous confrontations in 1995 and 1996 appear banked.
This revelation directly led to Byron's disastrous confrontation with the Interstellar Alliance.
He was then fired from his position at the firm, following a disastrous confrontation with fellow partner Todd Spurrier.
But is it already too late to choreograph a peaceful changeover, without precipitating a potentially disastrous confrontation?