IN 1492, European sailors traveled west to America, and there began a long and, for the indigenous peoples, disastrous conflict.
In 1847 a disastrous conflict with the Suquamish devastated the Chimakum, effectively wiping them out.
The disastrous conflicts of Battle of Sarikamish began.
This sparked a disastrous global conflict between humans and the aliens known as the Pale Wars.
The situation led to a "disastrous" conflict at the top of the service, going far beyond the rivalry of Williams and Goble.
Only a disastrous conflict or some unheard-of natural catastrophe would have wrought this.
Mr. Goetz said the survey revealed major shortcomings in the assistance available from denominational officials when pastors faced potentially disastrous conflicts.
The schools remained open, and Richmond avoided the disastrous conflicts that swept over other parts of the region.
At the time the possibility of the present disastrous conflict was already becoming clear.
Whilst the Theme system worked well to provide efficient military service, it led to the decentralization of power leading to disastrous civil conflicts in the 11th century.