"The pilot took some evasive action to avoid a more disastrous accident," she said.
What worries Bennett is the potential for a disastrous accident on race day.
Undertaken in the context of the general desire to end the war, would such an effort have been more effective and less prone to disastrous accidents?
The third time was a sheer disastrous accident.
After months of hard work and some nearly disastrous accidents, the "Tain" is completed.
There were often disastrous accidents, upset chairs, and broken glass-paned windows.
He gave up the world of motorbikes in 1974 after a disastrous near fatal accident during a race.
A mountain climber describes a disastrous accident in 1985.
They continued to fail for many years on all railways, causing yet more disastrous accidents.
It is not the telling of one simple disastrous accident.