The studies and experience can prove valuable for future disarmament measures, if they are negotiated.
She said the nuclear powers did not see the treaty "as a serious disarmament measure."
The Soviet Foreign Minister also proposed a far-reaching list of other disarmament measures.
It also called for new disarmament measures to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
Such action includes not only armed intervention but enforceable economic sanctions and disarmament measures.
At Reykjavik, there was a clear demonstration that given political will, far-reaching agreements on nuclear disarmament measures could be achieved.
These continued bombings have enabled Saddam to get rid of any international inspection of disarmament measures.
What steps does the Council intend to take to support new nuclear disarmament measures?
This treaty gives rise to obligations on the part of nuclear states to take nuclear disarmament measures.
The Kaiser was concerned that the United States would propose disarmament measures, which he opposed.