This conference not only drew up a plan for Germany's reparation obligations, but also fixed eight dates for the fulfilment of all disarmament demands.
The briefing is intended to counter Iraq's assertions that it has met all disarmament demands.
Some earlier resolutions linked any suspension of sanctions to a certification by these inspectors that Iraq had complied with disarmament demands.
Asked today if Iraq had complied with disarmament demands, he said: "I believe they have been complying.
Despite this, Mr. Blair made clear once again this week that he would authorize such action if the U.N. failed to enforce its disarmament demands on Baghdad.
The piece purported to explain why Iraq had not complied with the United Nations' disarmament demands.
All three asserted that the moment of decision was fast approaching on whether Mr. Hussein's government had complied with the disarmament demands from the United Nations.
The Council is scheduled to hear a chief United Nations weapons inspector, Hans Blix, discuss the latest report on Iraqi compliance with disarmament demands.
After that war ended, the United Nations made the lifting of the sanctions contingent on Iraq's compliance with the United Nations' disarmament demands.
But he also made it clear that the Iraqi leader is about to be confronted with the most stringent disarmament demands he has ever faced.