Soon, the two become lovers and keep their romance a secret from Elize's disapproving parents.
Neva had images of being sixty and still crossing swords with her disapproving parent.
The third stood looking on like a disapproving parent.
The mob is identified with the disapproving parents, whose dysfunctional embraces are symbolized by the men's boxing gloves.
The engagement was terminated when their disapproving parents learned of the liaison.
Unlike the lovers, their disapproving parents are meant to be laughable stereotypes, and are more amusing for it.
His disapproving parents, who wanted him to be a rabbi, had told him he was "doomed" and that he "could look forward to destruction eventually."
It is about two young lovers separated by their disapproving parents.
The escaping steam sounded like a disapproving parent.
Last week, Dr. Crew lashed out at the disapproving parents, saying their actions could cause white teachers to shy away from a multicultural curriculum.