The new study also found that when women stopped using postmenopausal hormones, the increased risk of developing breast cancer disappeared within two years.
New studies have revealed that Panama's remaining tropical forests will disappear within 25 years unless urgent conservation measures were taken.
The glaciers are retreating rapidly, and may disappear entirely within 80 years.
Pulicat Lake may disappear within 100 years by being filled up with silt.
It is expected that the arch will completely disappear within just a few years.
Normally, a verruca will disappear without treatment within two years.
The bones were not present in younger layers of the mound, suggesting the turtles disappeared within 300 years of first human contact.
By the middle of the 15th century, most of Georgia's old neighbor-states disappeared from the map within less than a hundred years.
Dangerous substances must completely have disappeared from groundwater within 20 years of the Directive' s publication.
More than 70% of the polar bear population in the wild may disappear within 45 years.