We also disagree with Professor Moss's claim that the Police Department "has an abundance of qualified applicants."
However, Rolen disagreed with Gilchrist's claim that illegal immigration was "the 21st century slave trade".
Al Jazeera claimed that some lawyers disagreed with Ghannouchi's claim to power, interpreting the constitution differently, in particular referring to Article 57.
I should note this isn't because I at all disagree with his claim, but on account of their rarity, I'd like to see a few more positive examples.
Rutherford accepted the resignation with regret, but publicly disagreed with Cushing's claim that he had been kept unaware of government railway policy.
The court disagreed with P10 and its claim about CWIE receiving direct financial benefit from the infringing activity.
Several psychiatrists outside the company said yesterday that they strongly disagreed with Lilly's claim.
In response, David Cameron said that he "profoundly disagreed" with Williams' claim that the government was forcing through "radical policies for which no one voted".
He also disagreed with the majority's claim that a cited precedent, Braunfeld v. Brown, was distinguishable from Sherbert.
But he disagreed with Mr. Oros's claim that county government was interfering in local matters.