Unlike the INC strategy of fomenting revolution among Iraq's disaffected minorities, the INA felt the best way to remove Saddam was organizing a coup among Iraqi military and security services.
A movement that was started by a disaffected avant garde, Surrealism seems now to speak for disaffected minorities of another kind.
The central government, as distrustful of federal autonomy as Pakistan's ruling elite, has used brute force in Punjab, the northeastern states, and now in Kashmir to suppress disaffected minorities.
Once an issue like Jerusalem is elevated beyond the reach of compromise, the most extreme and immoral actions become not only possible but "holy" to a disaffected minority.
While Iraq's attention was apparently focused on the southern front, a combined force of Iraq's disaffected Kurdish minority and Iranian Revolutionary Guards broke through Iraqi lines in the north.
The U.S. wants to protect the Kurds while Turkey wishes to keep them at a safe distance from its own disaffected Kurdish minority.
Before Nicholas's death few of Russia's disaffected minority went beyond a loosely conceived commitment to liberty and justice and fewer still took their protest to the point of action.
Otherwise, it was an unprecedented reversal whereby the avant-garde had the upper hand and the conservatives became the disaffected minority.
It is now clear that a tiny but militantly disaffected minority of Indian Muslims has begun to heed the international pied pipers of jihad.
In August 1985, she told the bishops that the letter was in danger of reflecting "the bias of a vocal, disaffected minority" influenced by feminism.