By becoming a big, strange, disaffected man, whom she feared, he had broken her.
Vince Edwards plays Claude, a disaffected man who, in search of money, decides to become a contract killer.
Extremely affluent, disaffected young man, oscillating between his desires for redemption and self-destruction.
Meanwhile, the outlaws and disaffected men stayed away, and ordinary folk went about their business in peace.
In both cases, the throngs of disaffected unemployed men were kept out of urban centres.
Many turn to unemployed and disaffected Iraqi men, eager to earn money.
In fact Atkyns was marked out as a disaffected man.
She survived the exit of disaffected young men in the 1790s and sustained "petticoat government" for 25 years.
There was darkly mythic importance to their speculation about a man so bitterly disaffected.
David had already left Nob by this point and had amassed about 400 disaffected men including a group of outlaws.