The great physicist was misled by a disaffected group, for a while.
In each case, spokesmen for a disaffected group complained of being ignored by the city's political and commercial elite.
These disaffected groups formed bands of armed men known as "piquets".
Thus, any nation has had the experience of growing well again, as a whole organism, when placing sufficient force in play against a disaffected group.
However, the party collaborated with other disaffected groups and gradually absorbed them.
He and others criticized politicians for using disaffected religious groups, including the Hindu majority, as voting blocs.
The alumni from classes of the last 18 years are as disaffected a group as one can find.
Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support.
Uthman was killed by members of a disaffected group.
Some feared that the defections could lead other disaffected groups to splinter from the foundation.