Mentoring pupils can help to raise their aspirations - particularly with disadvantaged pupils.
There was more bad news for Gove as research suggested plans to raise the number of schools with academy status will hit disadvantaged pupils.
A middle ground is to do more to duplicate for disadvantaged pupils the home aid that middle-class children get.
- Local authorities are being urged to send disadvantaged pupils to boarding school, the Telegraph reports.
They will also spend more time scrutinising whether schools are narrowing the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.
We are also taking unprecedented steps to make sure disadvantaged pupils actually get into these schools.
The school was noted for offering free tuition and books to economically disadvantaged pupils.
Hussain has indicated a desire to offer a first-class education to some of the most socially deprived or disadvantaged pupils in Bradford.
The greatest damage will be done to schools serving the most disadvantaged pupils," he says.
- Sarah Teather, the children's minister, has announced that the government will spend £1.25bn on disadvantaged pupils under the pupil premium policy next year.