Because the mansion boasted an elevator, all three floors were accessible to the disabled boy.
In his original appearance, Jason was scripted as a mentally disabled young boy.
After the mentally disabled boy's mother repeatedly abused his brother Israel, she pleaded guilty to attempted assault in 1986.
The hospital was built in 1924, to provide aftercare and recovery for disabled boys who had undergone surgery.
However, Boyd, a disabled boy, believes Jonas could make him walk again.
The Silcocks work to adopt disabled boys who are of different ethnicities from them.
But they find it difficult to get people ready to accept the disabled boy.
There is a disabled boy named Trot, of whom it is said that he "ain't right."
There is even a disabled boy of 5 from Morocco who lacks the visa needed to stay here with his parents.
The students inadvertently bumped into his wheelchair, tipping it over and knocking the disabled boy to the floor.