Her mother, Sheila Friedman, is a learning disability specialist in the Leonia (N.J.) public schools.
With an instructional team consisting of a speech-language pathologist, learning disability specialist, occupational therapist, and teacher assistant, Stepping Stones is the only preschool program of its kind in Georgia.
Furthermore, disability specialists say, some black students are reluctant to ask for special accommodation, fearing that it could create a perception that they are second-rate students admitted only because of affirmative action.
His mother, Charlotte Seigerman, is a learning disability specialist at the William B. Ward Elementary School in New Rochelle.
Lisa King , a disability specialist with the Minnesota program, is working now with eight students.
Diane Smith, senior disability legal specialist at the National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems, said her organization was more relieved than pleased by the compromise bill.
Social workers and disability specialists say the deaf-blind often fall between the cracks of the state system because their numbers are relatively small and they often literally cannot voice their complaints.
His mother is a learning disability specialist in San Francisco.