While there may be different reasons for using scanning, the most common is a physical disability resulting in reduced motor control for direct selection.
Physical disability resulting from the wounds received on Saipan caused Carlson's retirement on 1 July 1946.
You said before that you did not believe that Nicholas had a physical disability resulting from his operation.
Long-term disability resulting from premature birth requires specialized care over time.
Hartsuff resigned from the regular army on June 29, 1871, because of disability resulting from wounds received in battle.
In the event of death, loss of limbs or eyes, or permanent total disability from following usual occupation, resulting from an accident occurring during the holiday.
But many suffer from disabilities resulting not from service, but while they were in the service.
It is currently used to treat children with physical disabilities resulting from cerebral palsy, other neurological conditions originating from brain damage or spinal cord injury.
It also wants to limit the number of veterans who can gain exemption from the fee because of disabilities resulting from military service.
Stroke is the most common cause of disability resulting from damage to the nervous system.