The pump attendant was a pimply teenager in dirty overalls.
He was a gaunt individual in dirty overalls, with the profile and the general air of a somewhat elderly and dilapidated buzzard.
'It taught me that an engineer can do a whole range of things and not just fiddle around with cars in dirty overalls'
Instead of shipyard workers in dirty overalls, the guests tended toward basic black.
The solitary fueler, wearing thick gloves and dirty overalls, monitored the hose as the highly combustible mixture flowed into the tank.
It will show the girls that the image of an engineer as a man in dirty overalls tinkering with engines is completely misleading.
Builders and other workers were always climbing in in dirty overalls, and you could get oil or lime all over your coat.
He stuffed his dirty overalls into the empty explosives compartment and placed the transmitter on top of them where he could reach it quickly.
Two stools down from Cincinnatus, a very black man in dirty overalls waved to the bartender.
Tom once more appeared and addressed the workmen: "Whose bundle of dirty overalls is this in here?