Alright, James, let's talk about dirty dealings then.
Inspector Black has his hand in these dirty dealings, and it's up to Ulf to prove it.
There was heartbreak and a great deal of dirty dealings before Princess Carolyne won out.
He had a reputation in the town for dirty dealing, but surely this sort of thing was carrying things too far, even for him?
"Their warped minds thought the act would clear the way to do their dirty dealing."
Asked if he considered Dunne guilty of dirty dealing, Brash said he would not use those words.
Stage a burglary to cover up dirty dealings - and leave a body to make it convincing.
This weatlhy, international conglomerate was founded by the Cassadines in the late 70's as a front to cover for their dirty dealings.
The mustard-keen pollution control officers want to expose the dirty dealings, the water company and the government want to cover it up.