It was a way to return to a simpler life, far from the increasingly crowded, dirty, industrialized city.
It's probably no more pleasant than living at the centre of some large, dirty, crime-ridden city.
He wanted to watch the show as the entire dirty city went up in a firestorm.
"It was far better than being in the dirty city."
The weather was often miserable, but it wasn't a beehive like that dirty city.
It is just a dirty city, miles and miles away and better off for that.
Cleveland has always had a reputation for being a dirty, ugly, boring city, though now they say it is much better.
That first image of a dirty, broken city burned in my 9-year-old eyes and memory.
There could be no more perfect refuge from the big and dirty city.
We have four of the dirtiest cities in the nation in this state.