According to Beaumont, the directorial style is not informed by his satiric intent.
But great theater can be made in any directorial style.
Greyson's directorial style is very much in evidence in Lilies.
Despite his conservative directorial style, his subject matter often pushed the boundaries of mainstream entertainment.
Both founders are proud that diverse directorial styles and concepts have been a part of the festival from the beginning.
It's no mistake that the film brings to mind a dead actor and a European directorial style that was popular 20 years ago.
This is popular among biographers of Gilbert, as it sets out his directorial style in detail.
Frank's directorial style remained suitable for serials, but failed to evolve.
He was also noted for using motion in his directorial style, trying to constantly keep characters moving rather than standing still.
"I don't know if I have a directorial style," he said.