They say that the travel problems were caused by a fired employee and argue that the directors violated their fiduciary duties.
In November, three and a half years later, a Geneva court ruled that the directors violated voting rules and fined the company 60,000 francs, about $44,000.
Any case will have to prove that directors violated their fiduciary duty to the exchange's board in awarding the package to Mr. Grasso.
The person said that Mr. Thompson was wrong to conclude that Ullico's directors had violated their fiduciary duties under the laws of Maryland, where Ullico is incorporated.
The suit alleged that Blyth officers and directors violated the Securities Exchange Act by issuing materially false and misleading statements regarding Blyth's financial performance.
The directors violated their duties as directors by issuing shares for the purpose of preventing the takeover.
It does not suggest that spiritual directors violate confidentiality or inform others of the candidate's homosexuality.
The Webb report may also show that certain directors violated their duty of care, which requires them to make thoughtful and informed decisions.
But later directors have violated the laws of time and space so opportunistically that the new freedom provided by digital invention has often become meaningless.
Some directors violated the embargo on discussing their use of the pseudonym.