In Beckett's later years, directors staged his radio plays or adapted his prose to the stage.
An accomplished director, Cimolino has staged successful Shakespearean productions in Stratford and Detroit.
It is a new production, introduced last fall, and the director has staged a prima donna entrance for Miss Freni in the old style.
When the director, Hans Neuenfels, staged the opera in 2003, though, the outrage was muted.
Since the 1960's, however, avant-garde Japanese directors like Tadashi Suzuki have staged Izumi's work.
You can imagine the final game, which the director, Bruce Merrill, has hilariously staged as a slow-motion ballet.
In past seasons the director has staged several highly charged versions of early plays by Sam Shepard.
As an actor has created a lot of different images, as a director staged many performances in his native Rostov theatre, also worked abroad.
To underline the sacrifice the director staged the crucifixion of a naked boy.
The experiment was moderately successful, and the director, H.K. Ayliff, two years later staged Hamlet in modern dress.