Later, the director sits at a pool above the town contemplating the woman's story and its impact on the film he is writing.
In the past financial directors may have either washed their hands of the problem or sat wringing them.
However, there may be problems within a group where, for example, a director of a subsidiary also sits on the board of the parent company.
And the director is sitting over there so it would be unprofessional for me to get back after him.
This is opposed to other members of the board with whom the director of football will sit.
His director of accounts, a man named Phillip Roth, was sitting with us, and neither one made a sound.
A writer and a director sit discussing a scene.
A director sat in front of them and decided which camera was going on the air.
The technical director sits in front of the video switcher.
The director of that project and one of his assistants are sitting right down there.