"Women have more responsibilities than men," said Wanda Cunningham, executive director of the march's Southern region.
Bill Proenza, longtime director of the weather service's southern region based in Fort Worth, will succeed the center's current director, Max Mayfield, who is to retire Jan. 3.
Richard Solomon of New York City, the director of the club's eastern region, passed the word to other exotic car owners and about 100 people showed up.
Thomas R. Procopio, director of the insurance fund's southern region, estimated the current values at less than 50 percent of the properties' original book value.
In 1950 he was appointed director of the NAACP's western region where for 9 years he directed drives involving open housing, school desegregation and civil rights.
He was educational director of that union's eastern region and became a close associate of Walter P. Reuther, who headed the U.A.W.
LEAD: * Gerald Wright has been appointed regional director of Lintas's Germanic region.
Peter Wyckoff, executive director of the Minnesota Senior Federation's metropolitan region in St. Paul, described the shortcomings as insignificant.
"Nontraditional workers are a growing field," said Phil Wheeler, director of the U.A.W.'s northeast region.
Mr. Gerlinger, who will become director of BMW's Central European region starting on Sept. 1, had been president for United States sales and marketing.